There are those amoung us who have only the intent of taking advantage of my position as a slave.  Shame on them for feeling they had any right, shame on me for allowing it. I fear i breed my own troubles. No one else to blame but myself. If my Master does not feel i need dicipline i will dicpline myself. I do not mean self efflicted pain, the dicipline i speak of is of the kind for recognizing, the kind for learning, and the kind to make sure i do not put myself in that position again.

I am rather good at punishing myself when i need to. I can correct my own bad behavior. But will i do it again?  As i write this i am thinking to myself what have i done? What am i so angry at myself for? I complain about people making advances on me, and if they were some hungry animals ravishing away on my flesh, and i am helpless to stop them. Wrong, It is time i take self resposibility. Time i stop being so trusting, of course they can not help but take advantage of me they see me in all my slave mentality. They of course learn quickly how to get me. I am aware of these tactics these One can use to gain control. I have no voice of my own, oh i do but i do not use it. Instead i quietly mumble a "Yes Sir" only to seem courteous. I should tell them what i really think but i do not say this.  And being a slave automatically they assume i have no choice, but i do and I am not just a slave, i am "His" slave. It seems people are bent on distroying that though they cant stand it. They act as if it were the other way around and i was free i would be fair game, no question to what i would want. At time i feel they are wanting to remove His collar, as if that was all that bonds me to my Master.  There is so much more that they could never understand. I have a voice , i just need to use it. I feel my Master would want me to. I have to stop being so much work for him.