March 01, 1973
I am planning to get the journal entries back up on the site today. Today started out weird, woke up at 6am to find the gas left on . Opened up all the windows and doors. I was afraid to turn on the lights. Everyone was fine kids were safe. For the first time, I think i have learned the value of life. How quickly it could all end. In just an instant. I probably over reacted to the situation, although it was potentionally dangerous, I realized just how precious life is.

By 6:40 i was on my to my last class before Spring break. I was an hour early so i stoped and send my instrustor a email to thank  him for all his help and resources, and for giving me every oppurtunity to pass the class. Even though i did not pass it, i had learned valuable lessions from it and walked away with at least my eyes more open to the concepts of community Psychology.

7:40 i went into class and signed in then sat down. The instructer was playing surfer music. Wich seemed apporpiate since Spring break was fast appoarching. A lot of people seemed to be going to warm places. I will not be going anywhere warm, but i am going to enjoy this holiday regardless. I thought a lot about life changes today. I am hyped on getting started with life again. Going to prepare for the future and be sucessful.